SCDC: What is a quote that you live by?
CL: I read a new quote just about every day for inspiration J, but lately, I’ve been thinking about that Oscar Wilde quote: “Be Yourself, everyone else is already taken.” Since I’ve found my professional calling later in life, it’s easy to do a lot of comparisons! I long to have someone’s training, particular artistic style, artistic experience, etc. But I’ve started to embrace the path that I’m on and the style that comes most freely to me.
SCDC: How many years have you been in business?
CL: Just over a year.
SCDC: What inspired you to get into art?
CL: I’m a very visual person, and I’ve dabbled in art since I was a little girl. But like most people, I pursued a “practical” career that would more reliably pay the bills. I worked in media and communications, and as a consultant to non-profits. When my kids were born, I wanted to spend more time with them, so I put my communications career on hold. But I needed an outlet for the visual side of me. I started with a few animal paintings for my kids’ nurseries and shared them online, mostly for family and friends. I also enjoy doing portraits of influential people, and I shared some early impressions of Martin Luther King Jr., Harper Lee, David Bowie and others. On the less formal side, I did some sketches, mostly quick doodles of our life around DC. The portraits and sketches received a big response and resulted in subsequent commissions for illustration style artwork and portraiture.
SCDC: What drives your creativity?
CL: Now that I’ve started creating art, it’s hard for me to go even a day without painting or drawing. I draw my inspiration and creativity from life events in our city, my kids, from interesting people in D.C. and from style trends on streets and fashion runways around the world. Sometimes, my art is a mix of all of these – for example, a mom wearing something I loved from a recent fashion show, perhaps with a toddler throwing a tantrum in the background.
SCDC: Does your work reflect you as a person? Can you describe your style?
CL: My art is colorful and captures the mood of an event or moment – I spend less time focusing on each little detail and more time capturing the full visual. In life, I’m not great at the finer details, but I do live out broader themes and grasp the moment as it comes, which I think carries through in my art style. And in terms of my fashion style, I live out a bit of what I would like to wear through my sketches – I can’t wear those stilettos I draw everyday in my life as a mom!
SCDC: What challenges have you met along the way?
CL: The interest, feedback, and growth of my art business caught me off guard, and I never imagined creating art every day, but now it’s part of my job and it’s also what I love. But I’m a stay at home mom with two little kids, and I want both my life as a mom and my art business to thrive, and balancing can be a challenge. I’m also learning every day – I think there are a lot of artists who have some training, so some of the things I wrestle with are probably Art 101 for people who have a real art education!
SCDC: Out of all the amazing work you have done, which one are you most proud of?
CL: I feel a general pride in the fact that my art has a resonance with what’s going on in the world outside of fashion or kids – whether it’s the refugee crisis, an event in DC or the celebration of an important life – I am always pleased with the response I receive from my Instagram community as well.
SCDC: Do you have any creative tips you’d like for our readers to know about?
CL: Don’t be afraid to do what you love. For me, this took a long time to figure out. I painted some when I was young, but I spent most of my adult life pursuing a “practical” career path. When I became a mom, I was ready for a career change. My first fashion illustration was recent – a quick sketch with my daughter’s washable markers. It was really fun and now I’ve moved into art as my profession. Also, once you figure out what you love, dedicate yourself to it. I draw or paint every day, and I’m constantly evolving and learning as an artist.
SCDC: What is next for Cris Logan? Also, where can our readers find your designs?
CL: I’m growing everyday as an artist and as a business owner, and I look forward to continuing to work with those brands, businesses, and people that call our city Home. And most of my business comes from my Instagram account (@crisclapplogan), where I post life and fashion illustrations on an almost daily basis and also through my website, You can also contact me directly at
SCDC: What is the first thing that comes to mind about Washington, D.C.? Also, do you plan to visit or hold an event here?
CL: Well, D.C. is my home, and it’s where I cut my teeth as a professional, met my husband and where we had our kids, so this city means a lot to me. And I don’t host events (yet) but I do a bunch of live sketching for my clients all around the city and will also have a few pop-up shops later this year!
Be sure to follow Cris Logan on Instagram and twitter!