I’ve taken these quarantined days to truly make my home feel like…home! Prior to this pandemic, I saw my little studio as just a place to crash — but being stuck here for literally most of the day, I feel like I’ve neglected my little nest. During this crazy crisis, I decided to invest in things that would improve my 24/7 atmosphere and overall lifestyle. I actually haven’t done much clothes shopping, despite the many temptations I’ve had to click and shop every cute lounge set out there, lol.
Below is a list of a few things I got on Amazon that I’m actually super happy with. I think you guys will probably also find them beneficial for your own well-being while staying in place. With that said, I’ve also been mindful of supporting small businesses, but more on that in a future blog post 🙂

Air Fryer: I’ve wanted an air fryer for so long, but I always put the excuse of me “never being at home” to not get one, and well, here we are lol. I’m obsessed with my little air fryer — it’s perfect for a single lady like me. If you have a fam, though, I suggest opting for a slightly bigger one. I also love the cute color options. I chose mint green because it fits the aesthetic of my palace (duh!) lol.

Blue Light Blocking Glasses: As most of you know, I do social media for a living, so my everyday screen time is twice the norm. That means I’m prone to more headaches and eye irritation. I recently found out “blue light glasses” would help with those issues, and my God, they truly have! My eyes are no longer red, and I def experience less headaches. FYI, these aren’t prescription glasses — they just relieve eye fatigue from watching TV and looking at your computer/iPhone for too long.

Foldable Adjustable Laptop Stand: Prior to the pandemic, I rarely worked from home, so I never paid attention to my posture when using my laptop in my pad. Well, that quickly changed, when my neck and back started to feel discomfort. I knew I needed an adjustable laptop stand. I love that this one is affordable, durable, and well, pink! lol

Electric Milk Frother: Let’s keep it real, I’m always and forever will be an iced latte-type of girl! But there are times when I miss a good, piping hot latte, especially if it invoices Instagrammable latte art! I’m currently quarantining with my neighbor, who also happens to be one of the most amazing cooks. During one of my visits, she served me this beautiful, steaming latte that had the most amazing milk foam lol. I figured it was whipped up with a fancy machine, but to my surprise, she used an electric milk frother! I was totally SHOOK! Lol. That’s when I knew I needed one of my own. I actually prefer coconut milk and was afraid the frother wouldn’t work with this liquid of choice, but it def does! This plugged-in hottie is now one of my fave kitchen gadgets. 🙂

Selfie Ring Light with Tripod Stand: You won’t believe it, but this is actually my very first tripod stand! I used to have friends take photos of my outfits — or I’d hire photographers for specific collabs — so a tripod was never something I thought I would utilize often. I love this tripod for many reasons, one obvi being it helps me create content at home. I actually put the stand to work the most to FaceTime my friends/family! And the glowing ring light is a game changer, especially when filming videos.
Reusable Makeup Remover Pads: This year, one of my goals was to be more sustainable. I’m already using an all-organic facial skincare line and stopped using makeup wipes entirely. The next thing I wanted to replace was my cotton eye makeup removers. These reusable makeup remover pads are so soft and perfect for wiping away all my mascara, eye liner, and shadow. They also come with an adorable, little laundry bag to throw in the wash.
There you have it! My current favorite things I’ve found on Amazon. I often update my Amazon shop, so follow my latest budget-friendly buys there. Happy conscious shopping, babes!