On our way to dinner tonight…instead of taking our usual 395N – 14th street exit to downtown fun, we decided on a little detour to see Mason & Jefferson! OK so yes, 4th of July is right around the corner, and yes maybe we are feeling a little more patriotic than usual…but at the same time, it’s not often we get to play tourists in our own back yard. The walk from the visitor parking lot, passed the two twin bridges, the George Mason memorial, and ending up at Jefferson is the best .4 mile walk in DC (in our opinion that is). Today we got to do it to a beautiful, red, rich sun that was setting right over us as we took every step. We didn’t blend in well with the visiting tourists..but then again…we never do ha! So instead, we simply enjoyed ourselves to the max, met Larry – the man who let us use his amazing American flag umbrella as a prop, took lots of amazing photos, and ended our night with sushi and Saki. If this is not a perfect Wed night….I don’t know what is!?
( Katya is wearing: H&M leggings and necklace, Urban Outfitters unitard and clutch, Zara shoes, Forever21 blouse and shades)
( Carlis is wearing: Forever21 skirt, shoes & sunnies, H&M blouse, vintage clutch)
– C&K