This past weekend will probably be one of those weekends that we will remember in a few months (or maybe even weeks) when it gets 90, hot & humid, and think to ourselves…that truly was the perfect weekend!!! Our Saturday afternoon started with a mean brunch at Leopold’s. It’s a perfect little spot where you can sit outside and enjoy the weather, but at the same time avoid the curious people who love to stear at your food while walking by. The privacy of Cady’s Alley paired up with enchanting atmosphere and delicious food, drinks, coffee and desserts…makes for a very long and leasurely lunch. Of course, we had to walk it off right after – but there was so much to see and take in, we certainly didn’t mind it. It was so nice to wear dresses, skirts, and shorts this weekend…but defintiely need to work on our tan, that’s for sure! 🙂

– C&K