You guys! Can you believe we started 2021 on such a low note #whaaaaa. I mean, we just said bye to the worst year ever, but MY GOD, January 2021 belongs in that 2020 chapter we all want to leave behind! I still have high hopes things will turn around and we will overcome these challenging times. If anything, all these horrendous happenings as of late will make us all stronger. Those “nice” little moments we once took for granted will feel like pure heaven one day! GOD willing it’s sooner than later!

Every year I set myself a few attainable goals and healthy habits and write about them here to keep myself accountable. Despite the epic fail of 2020, I did manage to accomplish a few goals I set a year ago — aka right before the pandemic started. That feels like centuries ago!
One of my main goals last year was to become financially stable, and I must say, #quarantine life def helped me save up and manage my money. And guess what? As of last week, I’m debt FREE!! This is a BIG deal for me, as I was always “that girl” who never cared about her finances, lived paycheck to paycheck, didn’t have a savings account for years, and had to go to court to legit learn a huge lesson #dontjudge. Because of that, finally deleting my debt might be one of my proudest moments to date. Despite the hard times I had to endure, I was able to stay above water and create a clean slate for 2021. I made a solid plan to stop owing credit card companies, and I stuck to it. Having to stay/work from home def helped, so I guess everything does happen for a reason — or so I hope! 🙂
I’m happy to also report I cut out shopping for “fast fashion” clothes and accessories. Last year I made the decision to never shop at Forever21 ever again and succeeded! This formerly favorite habit of mine might not seem like much to some people, but I used to shop there all.the.time. I now thrift a lot more, and 70% of my wardrobe actually comes from thrift finds (woohoo!). And this year I’m giving up H&M and Zara! Wish me luck, as these two stores are my main go-tos for basic items and accessories (hoodies, T-shirts, socks, earrings, gifts, etc.). But now I’m willing to invest a bit more on quality necessities, vintage scores, and discount designer threads that will last me a lot longer.
Another money-saving goal I accomplished was using way less car ride apps, which was one of the very few positive effects of a pandemic! As a result, I walked so much more this year and took public transportation when necessary. This year I plan to do the same in order to save money and get in more steps — a win-win!
I was not too successful at drinking less (ooops!). Lol — I mean, can you blame me? I think the pandemic has put us all under so much stress, so unfortunately, overindulging in my mezcal and white wine became a No. 1 way to cope. But this year I want to be more mindful of my drinking habits, especially as bars start to reopen worldwide. Consider this goal on the top of my list!
Now let’s discuss 2021 goals! This year, I really want to make it the year of Carlita. I want to find ways to make Carla the best version of herself and let go of those things that used to set her back.
I’m starting with making myself my top priority. I want to take care of me in ways I’ve never done before. I’m putting myself first with everything I do and no longer letting anything hinder my happiness. What does this mean? It means that if you want to spend time with Carlita, you might have to reach out and actually make the plans for us lol. I’m putting a big pause on making the effort to always plan the good times for me and my friends and replace those efforts with finding new things that I might enjoy doing alone, or who knows! Maybe this year is the year I find a boo 😉 But NO worries, I’ll never be a shitty friend and will always make time for my bffs lol.

Since it is the year of Carla (lol!), I’m also getting my teeth straightened. I’ve toyed with this idea for many years now. My smile never made me feel uncomfortable or made me feel any less beautiful, but it is now getting in the way of my flossing habits lol! So I decided to take this step towards bettering my health while also treating myself to a little smile makeover! I have partnered with Evenly for this and I’m so excited to take you on this journey with me. Straight teeth coming atcha in 2022! Lol
After many years of being a blogger (12 to be exact!) I feel like SCDC also needs a makeover, so I’m currently writing a business plan, and lots is about to change. I’m still in the process of figuring out what’s next, but this is definitely the year to watch SCDC evolve.

This year I also want to actually start “bullet” journaling. I have a daily to-do list, but I want to take this to the next level to stay accountable and truly keep track of my progress. So if you are into bullet journaling, let me know! I just started a monthly habit tracker that has already done wonders when it comes to how I’m living my life.
Last goal I have this year is to work out regularly! This is not to attain the “perfect” fit figure but to simply feel healthier and put my wellness first. I’ve been exercising from home on and off, but as I approach 40, I truly want to make sure I feel good inside and out. Like everyone, I’m looking forward to those post-COVID days when I can find a few new fitness classes to attend.
There you have it! These are a few of my new goals and updates on how I did on last year’s! It’s truly hard to plan too far ahead after the hellish 2020 we’ve had, but it is nice to at least write down directions of where you want to head. I’d love to hear about your goals and new healthy habits! Comment below or send me a DM on IG 🙂