I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the days when I felt a little insecure with my body and overall self. As most of you know, I was born in Bolivia and most people from there are a mix of Native Americans from the Andes and Spaniards. According to my ancestry, I’m actually 78% Native American and you can def see that in my features. In elementary school was when I first started noticing how beauty was perceived in my culture. All of the “popular” girls in my school were light skinned, with green/blue eyes and blonde hair. I was obvi not in that group! It made me feel a little insecure but I always thank God for having an amazing mother who would remind me every day how beautiful I was (and she still does!).
Growing up, it was also hard to find anyone who looked like me for style/beauty inspiration! This is, until Selena Quintanilla became famous! She was like the only person I felt I could realistically look up to for a little inspo. What I’m trying to say is, in this world where we are constantly judging people based on their appearance (big eye roll), we need to work on learning to love ourselves a little harder! No one is perfect. Everyone has some sort of insecurity.

As a style influencer, there are countless times I can tell you how uncomfortable I felt walking into a room full of almost “perfect looking” girls, but I have to always remind myself that even though I might not be a size 2, with a perfect straight smile or blessed with that tiny little waist, there are parts of me that stand out. And I like to believe that most people won’t judge me for the parts of my body that are not “perfect”!
Always remember that it all starts with you and how secure you feel as a person. There is only one YOU and YOU have to remind YOU how amazing you truly are every single day. Below are some self-love tips I practice daily.
- When getting ready, try to not be too hard in looking for flaws on your body. Instead, focus on the parts that you truly love, embrace them, and don’t be afraid to show them off from time to time! 🙂
- Don’t compare yourself to anybody! Compare yourself to the version of you last year, or even last week. Be your own inspo and competition!
- Surround yourself with a group of women/men who love you for you and constantly remind you how beautiful you truly are. Let go of the people who make you feel insecure.
- Remember that half of those “perfect influencers” you see on the gram all use photoshop or some sort of app to make their photos look extra perfect. It’s not real! Trust me. YOU are real, so don’t get caught up in that unneeded stress 🙂
- Always be thankful you have the opportunity to make a difference in someone’s life every day by reminding them how awesome they are, inside and out. Take the time to be kind to your loved ones.

Make sure to follow me on the gram for more self-love tips! Also visit our wellness section of the blog for more healthy advice on how to be the best version of YOU.