I’m currently in the process of doing some updates to my little studio. The first thing I wanted to tackle in my humble abode was the wall behind my bed. That blank canvas has been driving me crazy for the longest time because I truly did not know what to put on it. At first, I wanted to add some floating bookshelves, but the process looked a bit hard and I did not want to add holes to my wall. And, most importantly, install the floating shelves incorrectly and have one fall on my face during my sleep lol!

About two weeks ago my good friend – Mikey aka IG zaddy (remember him! lol) — texted me a photo of a DIY he saw on Tik Tok and he challenged me to do the same to one of my walls. At first, I was like, nah! Looks too hard and time consuming, but he insisted I give it a try and so I did. The entire DIY took me around 7 hours to complete but I think that is because I was also recording the process for my IGTV channel. So, without further notice, below are the instructions on how I DIY’ed my geometric wall.
Things you’ll need:
Painters Tape (.94 size)
Your paint choices – I opted for 4 colors but you can choose as many as your little heart desires. I used sample paint can sizes, which averages to around $6 per can.
The hues I chose were: Azalea leaf, coral fountain, prairie rose and metallic gold.
Paint brushes (I bought 4, one for each color)
Painters plastic or old bed sheet to protect your floor.

Creating the geometric shapes:
The part that’ll take the longest is taping your wall and creating the geometric shapes with painters tape. I eyeballed it, but you can also trace the shapes with a pencil prior to taping the wall. Totally up to you! I also wanted my geometric shapes to be mostly medium-sized, but you can make them in various sizes. VERY IMPORTANT: Make sure you run your fingers over the tape to secure it properly prior to painting anything. You don’t want the color to bleed under the painters tape.
Coloring your accent wall:
After everything is taped down, choose your main color. Label each geometric shape with the color you want to paint. I used sticky notes for the labeling, but you can also use Frogtape. Paint one color at a time. Let paint dry for 1 to 2 hours. Remove the painters’ tape very carefully and you are done!

It’s overall not a super hard DIY, just time consuming. I hope my accent wall inspires you to DIY your own! If you do, please tag me, and if you have any questions, leave them on the comments below or send me a DM via Instagram. I also have a video tutorial on my IGTV channel.